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101 Dirty Dumb Blonde Jokes

We all love those dirty jokes about oversexed dumb blonde girls!
So, here we present 101 of them at their dirtiest in one hilarious ebook!

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101 Dirty Dumb Blonde Jokes - (MRR)

Here are just a few examples:

1. Q: What's the difference between a blonde and a rooster?
A: A Rooster says in the Morning - "Cockll-doodlle-doooooo", while
a blonde shouts, "Any-cock'll-doooo."

2. Q: What is the best secretary in the world to have?
A: The one that never misses a period.

3. Q: What do blondes say after sex?
A: "Thanks, guys!".

4. Q: What's the difference between a blonde and The Titanic?
A: They know how many men went down on The Titanic.

5. Q: What's the difference between a blonde and the Atlantic
A: There's fewer crabs in the Atlantic.

6. Q: What's the difference between a blonde and the Grand Old
Duke of York?
A: The Duke only 'had' Ten Thousand men.



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