CAPTCHA & MAPTCHA Forms Protection Script - (MRR)
Protect your forms from spam bots by using a CAPTCHA or MAPTCHA protection.
CAPTCHA is a type of challenge-response test used to ensure that the response is not generated by a computer(e.g. spam bot). MAPTCHA is the same, but instead of typing code from a generated image, it requires providing an answer to a simple math challenge.
Using CAPTCHA protection will help add more value to your web design services in a very cost effective way.
For programmers it will save a lot of time researching and testing, as we’ve already done the hard part
for you.
Just select the styles used for the CAPTCHA image and it will be automatically generated for you.
The CAPTCHA /MAPTCHA class allows you to customize the look of the CAPTCHA image by tweaking the following options:
* Font (family, size, color).
* Text (length, shadow color, offset).
* Size of the image that will be generated.
* Set of images that can be used for backgrounds.
* Background color if no background image is specified.
* Image effect filter to further distort the image.
* Angle of the displayed text.
The CAPTCHA control works independently, so you can have more than one CAPTCHA controls on a single web page, without a problem.
We’ve designed it to be easily integrated into any web form. A detailed README file is included, describing the CAPTCHA integration step by step.
However if you have any problem integrating the CAPTCHA to your form, please contact us. We do offer free integration support.
New version 1.1 (27.12.2009)
* New MAPTCHA feature added.
* New default background style added.
* Random CAPTCHA /MAPTCHA display.
version 1.0 (15.12.2009)
* Initial public release.
* Basic CAPTCHA features.
You have full Master Resell Rights
[YES] Can put your name on the sales page.
[YES] Can be sold.
[YES] Can be packaged.
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus.
[YES] Can be sold on auction sites.
[YES] Can be published offline.
[YES] Can convey (Master) Resell Rights.
[YES] Can be given away for free (any format).
[YES] Can sell Private Label Rights.
If you require professional script installation or script modification
on other scripts or script repair please contact us at:
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