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Pop-In Generator - (MRR)

Skyrocket Sales, Conversions, Sign-Ups to Your List(s) and Click-Through Rate Utilizing Powerful, User-friendly, Unobtrusive and Unblockable Attractive M......

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Pop-In Generator - (MRR)


Skyrocket Sales, Conversions, Sign-Ups
to Your List(s) and Click-Through Rate Utilizing Powerful, User-friendly, Unobtrusive and Unblockable
Attractive Multi-Shaped Pop-Ins!

Pop-In Generator is a simple, effective and innovative software breakthrough!

Important: Pop-Ins Are Not really Pop Ups!
Let me ask you the most important question about Pop Up windows, ok?

We all know that pop up windows are effective in increasing opt-in email list(s), conversions and sales, right?

If that's the case, why do we have a zillion pop up blockers and why are pop up windows hated so much?

I'm asking this question because if we can know exactly why and we do something about it, we'd sure have a new powerful internet marketing tool that is more effective and powerful than pop up windows!

The answer in one word is... obtrusiveness.

Obtrusiveness is defined as "noticeable or prominent in an unwelcome or intrusive way."

Sounds like a definition of pop up windows, doesn't it! :)

Pop up windows are hated because they are obtrusive and disturbing.

The Pop Up War! Who's Side Are You On?

The pop up windows open/appear in such a sudden way - blocking the reading view of a page's content - that many are simply fed up with them.

That's why pop up blockers, a solution for web users, were created.

But internet marketers retaliated and created a solution to take care of pop up blockers: unblockable pop up windows.

The Truth About Unstoppable/Unblockable Pop Ups!
Let me tell you the truth about unblockable pop up windows.

They are a smart solution, but for whom? Web users or internet marketers?
Think about it

Most people who have pop up blockers installed have one message for you:

We dont want to see any pop up windows on our screen. Period!

You see, unblockable pop ups only serve the needs of the webmaster/advertiser.

Put yourself in the web surfers place.

Lets call this surfer, Zorro.

Zorro has a pop up blocker installed. Zorro is surfing the web, browsing websites and suddenly, on one of the websites (yours) a pop up window opens up a white rectangle with a window border (pop up content loading).

Quiz Question:

Whats the first thing thats going to cross Zorros mind and whats the first thing hes going to say and do?

(a) Wow! Im very interested to know what this pop up window is all about!. And when the content loads: I won! A free subscription to a newsletter! WOW! Man, this is so cool! I have to subscribe now!


(b) &$#*&#&*&!@@$#$!!!! Damn those pop ups, even blockers cant stop them anymore!

I'm sure you agree that the second reaction is going to be the most probable and likely one by web surfers as more and more internet marketers use, or shall I say abuse unstoppable pop ups.

Let me tell you a fact:

The Trend in Advertising Is Towards 0 Annoying Advertising

Prediction: The trend towards 0 annoying ads and online intrusion is on the rise/bullish.

If you're an internet marketer it's time you start thinking and aiming for 0 annoying/online intrusion advertising. The closer you can get to the 0 the more successful your advertising will be.

The Ultimate Solution to Pop Up Windows for Both Advertisers/Webmasters and Surfers!

On the basis of this trend, and as a result of continuously thinking 0 annoying 0 annoying, I created a new advertising solution that is so smooth and beautifully 'undisturbing' you wont believe!

What we needed is the following:

* Pop Up windows concept. A window that 'appears'. It it doesn't appear, it won't get any attention and it would become just like a banner.

* Window that is unstoppable/ unblockable by pop up blockers.

* A window that is unobtrusive to the surfer; should open without blocking what he's reading/viewing on a page.

* Windows with attractive looking shapes

* Windows with attractive backgrounds.

* Windows that open in the right place.

* Windows with timers to open in the right place at the right time.

Download Pop-In Generator Now!

The result?
Introducing... Pop-In Generator!
Generate User-friendly, unobtrusive and unblockable attractive multi-shaped Pop-Ins!

Check All Pop-In Generator Effects

It is So Easy to Use Pop-In Generator in 7 Simple Steps!

Step 1:
Choose the Pop-In window size, position and padding.

Step 2:
Choose Pop-In border style and color, and Pop-In background color.

Congratulations! You're almost 50 through!

Step 3:
Choose the Pop-In background.

The background may be (i) an image, (ii) a border image, (iii) a shape image.

Note: You can also add your own images.

Note: You can change the contrast and brightness of any background/base image in order to make sure your text/content is readable.
The "Shapes" can be (i) ready-made, (ii) predefined or (iii) customized.
So many features! :)

Note: You can change the size, border and background colors of any shape.
You can design your own customized shapes:

Step 4:
Add the content of the Pop-In window. Pop-In has a simple "Content Text" or an "HTML advanced editor":

HTML editor

Note: You can use Pop-Ins for subscription boxes.

Step 5:
Choose the "Pop-In Entrance": Slide from left-top, slide from top, or slide from left.

Step 6:
Choose the "Content Entrance".
You have a whole list to choose from! :)

Invaluable Tip: If your Pop-In is white the viewer will see the content of the Pop-In appear with different effects!
So the process is very simple:

First, the Pop-In window opens inside a web page, making room (area) for the content to appear.
Second, the image and the content appear, based on the "Content Entrance" you chose.
Click here for examples.

Step 7:
Generate the Pop-In, add code to a web page and upload!


Other important features include:

* Setting delay time for Pop-In window before it appears.
Duration/speed of the "Content Entrance" effect.

* If a Pop-In is located in the middle of a page and a person starts reading from the top, the Pop-In will not open until the person scrolls down to it/reaches it.

* There are infinite number of things you can do with Pop-In Generator! You can even add your Niche Power Ads code into a Pop-In!

Get a Flash Video Tutorial With
POP-IN Generator!

I gotta tell you, Pop-In Generator is an amazing software tool that is extremely easy to use.

Still, when you download your copy, you get a Step-By-Step video tutorial that teaches you how to use it.
Affiliate Marketing Internet Marketing Coolest Guy On The Planet

More info see website


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