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The Greatest Research Tool Ever

Find Your Target Niche Market Using This Swift, Foolproof Method! Stop slacking off and start making millions utilizing free online tools that give you accurate statistics, ideas and.....

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The Greatest Research Tool Ever - (MRR)


Research is the Key to Online Success!

Find Your Target Niche Market Using This Swift, Foolproof Method!

Doing Your Homework Can Really Pay Off!

Stop slacking off and start making millions utilizing free online tools that give
you accurate statistics, ideas and information!

Read my new eBook -
The Greatest Research Tool Ever

In this eBook you will discover the single most effective and efficient way to do
research for your business without blood, sweat or tears or forking out hundreds
or even thousands of dollars for market research information that may not even
be correct!

If you are reading this letter then you probably have discovered, as I have over
the years that research is absolutely critical to setting up any new business

To give you an analogy doing your market research for a new online business is
like the foundation of a building you are constructing. You have to make sure
that foundation is secure or everything will fall down.

The bottom line is that if you are working with inaccurate materials you will
construct your business on shaky ground. However many marketers simply do not
bother to put in the time to do the research because it is the most frustrating,
time consuming and yes- even tedious aspect of the whole process.

Maybe it is time to stop being bored and get into optimizing your own business!
Its easy if you know what I know and it does not have to cost or take up a lot
of your time either!

Build Your Empire On a Strong Foundation!

Make That Six Figure Income as an online marketer!

So what is the secret to cutting down on all that time you may be spending on
the research aspect of your business?

If you are anything like I used to be you are probably spending hours on different
forums, bulletin boards looking for clues and customer feedback. I remember that I
used to surf all over the place online for days on end trying to discern whether
or not there was a market for my business.

I used to spend thousands testing keywords and paying for reports (not to mention
all of the money I spent on eBooks and programs) to learn how to spy on what the
competition was doing. Talk about a labor intensive meandering disorganized way to
go about my market research!

It was taking me as long as three months just to do all the testing and set up just
one business! And even then sometimes after all of that effort the business just
would not fly!

Finally I found a way to cut out all the crap the second guessing, the endless
surfing and polling uninterested people for answers to questions. You know what
I am talking about market research can be an eye-rolling, soul destroying business
if it does not churn out the bucks for you in the end.

Those exasperating days ended for me and they are about to end for you too.

I have found the one research resource that you can utilize at almost every stage
of the research process that is infallible when it comes to giving you an accurate
estimation of what the people want. That is because what the people want is what
they are going to buy.

Trust me when I tell you that this is the tool that you are always going to use
irrespective of what kind of marketing project you are involved with.

You are also going to probably be surprised to learn that you and thousands of other
people already use this tool every single day. In fact 99 of people reading these
words will be using this resource every day.

What if I told you that the secret to online success is actually in front of your very nose?

What if I told you that you probably used this wonderful tool to land on this page?

Do you know what I am talking about yet? Yes that is right. I am talking about the number
one search engine on the internet Google!

Here are some of the reasons why this tool is the greatest online research tool in
the entire world

* Google commands 69 of the search engine traffic on the internet right across the world

* In some markets Googles share of the search engine market is in excess of 90

* About as many people have heard of Google as Coca-Cola and it is the first place they
turn to search for information when they start searching for anything online

* The trademark of Google is so popular that it has become a verb googling is a word that
is in common usage and you do want to be part of an organization that is that well known
and reputable if you want to succeed in business

* Thousands of new internet users get online every day and one of the first places they
are introduced to on the internet is Google and the Google tool bar

* Google is one of the most popular presets for a browser or home page on the internet

* You can distinguish real search results on a Google page from those that are paid
advertising making it one of the more honest and ethical research tools online as the
ranked search results are natural

* Google Groups alone represents a searchable database in excess of 700 million Usenet
postings over the last 20 years

* Google has bought out 54 research and indexing businesses in the last few years which
makes it one of the most potent purveyors of information on the internet

* Google and the companies that they own provide a huge range of services of the types
that net users could benefit from everyday and more importantly, they provide the vast
majority of these services at no cost.

You know what they say Stick with the winners and Google is the Winner when it comes to
being the most popular and effective of research tools!

Are you ready to stop forking out all of your money to pay for research, blogs and webhosting?
Learn how to launch profitable, information based business practically for free!

In The Greatest Research Tool Ever I also outline how you can use Google to launch your
web based business for free and practically from scratch. I cover such little known
helpful facts about the Google suite of tools such as --

* How Google offers you two ways of creating your own website for free using net based
tools and resources

* How Google offers a very comprehensive range of net based tools and resources that
allows anyone to start a business completely from scratch using nothing but Google
owned tools

* How to use free Google tools to identify viable online markets and establish that
there is money to be made

* How one particular Google tool help you put together a marketing plan to ensure
that people will find your site on their search engine pages

* How to use a Google tool to analyze your competition and find out how much money
is changing hands

* How to use Google tools to find out what the most popular products or services
in a particular market sector

* How you can use Google to find investors for your business

* How to use Google to find affiliates for your business

* How to use Google to find free articles to enhance your website

* How to use Google to find links to your website

* How to use Google to start a blog that enhances your website

The bottom line is that there is very little in the process of researching and
establishing a new online business that Google cannot help you with!

By now you might be asking yourself How can Google afford to be so nice to us and
offer all of these free services?

The answer is that the geniuses behind Google are intelligent marketers. They
understand that by offering free tools and resources that they are encouraging
everyone who uses the internet to use them and only them. In fact as internet
marketers we could really learn from their example.

This is also how Google gives you a foothold on your business, especially when
you take advantage of their perks and download their tools.

Learn How to Start a New Online Business for Free Using Only Google Tools

I Will Show You What to Do Step-By-Step!

When I sat down to write The Greatest Research Tool Ever I decided that I would
make it the most thorough step-by-step guide that I could. I decided I would do
this without writing a long fussy eBook with a lot of marketing theory and
useless links in it.

Every tool in this guide is free so I am not trying to sell you anything!

Instead I take your through my own practice as an internet marketer and show you
exactly how I use each of the free Google tools using lots of visual references
and actual screen shots from my own successful online business

In this practical, ready-to-start-right-away style of eBook I give you a practical
outline of everything that needs to be done when you start up a business using
Google tools including such critical essential points as

* How to come up with an idea or topic that can be the theme of your new online

* How to discard optimism and use real research to see if your business idea
will make money for you

* How to determine if there are sufficient number of people searching online for
the kind of information that you are considering trying to sell

* How to determine go back to the drawing board and come up with a new idea if
your original idea looks like it may not fly as a money maker

* How to figure out how much people might be willing to pay for the information
you are selling and if you should give any of this information away for free

* How to determine if your product has an urgency factor which would make people
spend money on it to get information fast

* How to come up with an informational product and bring to the market place without
spending months and months researching it

* How to take advantage of what the competition is doing by researching their websites

* How to brainstorm a brilliant idea for a business using your every day experience and
then research its viability on Google

* How to use a certain desktop utility offered by Google to search your compute for
stored information that could help you find some great ideas for starting a business

* How to use Google referred Indexing plug-ins to allow you to search for information
ten times faster both online and offline a boon if your computer is a little slow!

* How to use a web history tool offered by Google to keep all of your searches, images,
stories, web pages and videos straight so your business is streamlined and organized

* How to use Google Alerts to keep you abreast of any new developments happening in your
market and cut down on your surfing time every day

* How to use Google Groups to provide you with a snapshot of what people are doing when
it comes to researching topics for a business

* How to use a particular Google to estimate the traffic that can be drawn to your
business thus cutting down on hours of pre-launch market research

* How to use Word Tracker in conjunction with Google to create a killer strategy for
stealing all of the business away from your competition

* How to use Google Trends to come up with ideas for new businesses and to enhance
your existing business

* How to use Googles newest free tool Insights For Search to analyze the global search
history for any particular term you want to know about so that you have the edge on
your competition

* How to use the new Trends for Websites utility to spy on your rivals and thus eliminate
the need to spend hundreds of dollars on costly spy programs

* How to use the Google Blog search to figure out what people want to buy

* How to find public domain materials to enhance your website and marketing efforts using
the Google US Government Search

* How to search YouTube using Google to find information to enhance your website

* How to use Google Suggest to set up a standard search p0age and find out the selling
secrets of your fellow marketers

* How Google Analytics can analyze the traffic that comes into your site and help you
determine if you are running a successful business

* How to keep abreast of what is happening in your business using Google Reader

...And much more -- including how to use, Google sites, Google Sketchup,
Google talk, Google Chrome and many other Google programs to make your website into a
powerful profit maker!

Are You Ready to Cut Your Research Time More Than Half and Optimize Your Online Business
for Free?


The Greatest Research Tool Ever Comes With:

* Resellers Website.

* Squeeze Page.

* Thank You Page.

* All Graphics.


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